The lease area is located 75 km by sealed and station tracks to the east of Mt Magnet and is to the north of the Windimurra Intrusive Complex.

Table 1           Lease details – 100% Aruma

Project Lease Applied Blocks km2
Carter Well E58/590 20/4/2020 97 294

Little is known of the geoloogy of the area that has produced the magnetic targets. The only previous drilling was by Chevron for Uranium in 1974, but did get mafics and ultramafics reported in the norther area of drilling at Carter Well in an area between the granite outcrops.

There are no gold assays and the water was moderate brackish with TDS of 5,000 to 6,000.

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The company has had success looking at greenstones in granite at Salmon Gums, and in the figures below the relationship with proterozoic East West dolerite dykes and the common occurrence of gold mineralisation in reactive sediments near the cross cutting dykes. It may be suggested that the dukes folow old major crustal suitures or fluid pathways that carry the pregnat fluids from high temperature leaching zones to deposit metals in reactive porous sediments for Carlin Style deposits, namely high grade quartz veins with coarse gold and lower grade but larger stratbound lodes with very fine gold.

Figure 1 above shows no historic gold in the lease area as does the interpreted 1:500,000 GSWA basement geology below.

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The takeaway from Figure 2 is the Yaloginda Formation, a sequence of reactive volcano-sedimentary sediments, extends into the lease and would appear to be the sequence causing the magnetics seen in the Figures 3 and 4 below.

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The shape of the prospective Yaloginda Formation is outlined in red in Figure 3 above and the NW major structure/dyke is in tan. The prospective area is over 60km2 and has both magnetic highs and lows. The ultramafic and highly magnetic base of the Windimurra formation does not enter the lease area.

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Figure 4 above reinforces the interpretation and the area of interest is magnified in Figure 5 below.

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The shape of the prospective magnetic targets in the Yaloginda Formation is outlined in red in Figure 5 above and will be ground truthed and drilled once the lease is granted. The Heritage agreement has been signed for the Traditional owners and after instructions from the WA Government to the NNTT has been recommended for expedited Procedure.